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Vestiture comprising four erect setae into the disk, a couple of for each interstriae step 3

05-1.08 (1.06) moments more than wider, largest in the base, sides converging quite so you can prior fourth, alternatively narrowly rounded at the front end; rough, subcontiguous, transverse asperities towards prior 1 / 2 of, earliest line creating an enthusiastic unbroken costa close to prior margin; body Latin singles dating sites subreticulate, subshining, that have sparingly rough, deep punctures to the posterior 50 % of only, separated from the diameter off a good puncture; vestiture comprising six erect, long setae, four along prior margin and another in the each basal place.

Elytra 1.48-step one.51 (1.50) times more than wide, step one.46-step one.47 (step 1.46) more than pronotum; edges synchronous towards basal about three-fourths, generally game at the rear of; striae perhaps not amazed, punctures instead deep, spaced from the diameter off an excellent puncture; interstriae nearly twice as wider given that striae, shining, punctures a few-3rd how big strial punctures, uniseriate; interstriae ten extremely raised to sternum six; declivity steep, convex, strial and interstrial punctures quite smaller compared to towards disc, striae 1 weakly satisfied.

Scolytodes triangulus n

Protibiae with horizontal teeth step one and you can 2 subequally measurements of, most other horizontal teeth far smaller. Metatibiae which have five socketed lateral teeth into the distal 3rd.

Diagnostic possess: It’s renowned in the directly relevant S. schwarzi (Hopkins) (come across fig. 142 p. 496 for the Timber 1982) by huge size (step one.8 mm against step 1.3-step one.six mm), of the asperities becoming confined to help you prior half of, by the feminine frons being punctured regarding the happy area. sp. (Figs 11, twenty-five, 27) Holotype women: COSTA RICA, Heredia province: Los angeles Selva biol. sta., Puerto Viejo, 50 yards, 5 March 1993 (H. An effective. Hespenheide), FOT 5/16 Carapa guianensis [INBio]. Allotype: same data while the holotype, FOT . Paratype: Costa Rica, Puntarenas: Osa Peninsula, dos.5 mi. SW Rincon, 7 February 1988 (H. Hespenheide), air brush, step one _ [INBio].

Etymology: from Latin tri, around three, and you may angulus, that have a corner, talking about the fresh new triangular shaped tuft out of setae regarding lady frons.

Frons somewhat pleased off significantly more than top number of attention so you’re able to epistoma, horizontal margins out-of amazed urban area some increased, subparallel, quite diverging into the top amount of attention; body regarding satisfied city densely punctured at the median several-thirds, time setae arising from really punctures; vestiture including an effective triangular tuft out-of much time, fantastic, subplumose setae, broadly arising during the vertex, after that gradually converging towards the end within number of antennal insertion.

Antennal pub with a few firmly, acuminately procurved medical stitches marked by the rows off hairlike setae, terminal sector setose. Funiculus half a dozen segmented.

02-step one.04 (step 1.03) minutes longer than large, largest on ft, corners weakly arcuate, converging slightly so you can prior fourth, upcoming broadly game at the front; prior third declivuous, asperities as an alternative rough, better asperities always basal 3rd; body reticulate, bland, a number of superficial punctures present toward posterior 50 % of except brief, radiant granules present in average basal urban area; vestiture including four short, erect setae collectively prior margin.

Elytra 1.step 19-step 1.23 (step one.21) times longer than large, step 1.2step 1-step 1.23 (step 1.22) more than pronotum; sides parallel towards less than basal a couple-thirds, rather narrowly round trailing; striae step 1 a little, other people maybe not impressed, punctures low, short, spaced from the 1 / 2 of an effective diameter of a good puncture; interstriae two to three minutes wider than just striae, glowing, punctures rare, two-3rd how big is strial punctures, spaced from the nearly twice the diameter, primarily uniseriate; interstriae ten very raised almost to help you apex; declivity sparingly steep, convex, the punctures rare. Vestiture comprising sparse spatulate bristles with the odd-designated interstriae, primarily to your declivity.

Protibiae which have a robust horizontal enamel 1 stretching beyond enamel 2, almost every other lateral pearly whites obscurely shown. Intercoxal process of prosternum 0.30-0.forty moments due to the fact large once the a beneficial procoxa. Metatibiae that have half a dozen socketed lateral teeth with the distal 3rd.

Pronotum step one

Description men: (n=1) like women except frons convex, simply a bit, transversely impressed merely more than epistoma; front vestiture composed of sparse, second, hairlike setae near to epistoma.

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